Cómo aguantar la respiración durante más tiempo bajo el agua

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Whether you're diving off the starting block or swimming underwater during a race, the ability to hold your breath can give you an edge in the water.

Here are some tips on how to hold your breath longer underwater.

Practique la respiración diafragmática antes y después de las prácticas de natación.

Practice respiración diafragmática before and after swim practices. This type of breathing involves using your diaphragm, rather than your chest, to breathe.

To practice diaphragmatic breathing, lie on your back with your knees bent and place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Take a deep breath in through your nose, allowing your belly to rise as your diaphragm expands.

Exhale through your mouth, allowing your belly to fall as you push the air out. This type of breathing can help you use less oxygen and increase your breath-holding time.

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Ejercicios para contener la respiración

Incorporate breath-holding drills into your regular swim workouts. Try the "purge" technique before you hold your breath by exhaling as much air as possible.

This can help to get rid of any excess carbon dioxide in your body, which can make it easier to hold your breath. Take a few slow, deep breaths to fully oxygenate your body before you hold your breath. Start by holding your breath for short periods of time and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.

La relajación es la clave

Relaja tu cuerpo y tu mente mientras retienes la respiración. Tensar los músculos puede consumir más oxígeno, por lo que es importante que te relajes lo más posible mientras retienes la respiración. Intenta despejar tu mente y concentrarte en tu respiración para que te ayude a retener la respiración por más tiempo.


By following these tips and consistently practicing your breath-holding skills, you can improve your performance in the water and give yourself an edge during swim meets. Remember to always be safe and never hold your breath to the point of discomfort or pain. With practice and patience, you can learn to hold your breath longer and boost your overall respiratory fitness as a swimmer.

In addition to being able to hold your breath for longer, it's important you build your overall endurance as well. ¡Consulta nuestros consejos sobre cómo aumentar tu resistencia y nadar durante más tiempo con menos esfuerzo!

Maestros del oficio

The best examples of people who have mastered breath holding are freedivers. Freediving is an extreme activity in which divers swim to very deep depths without the aid of a breathing device or oxygen supply. It takes years of intense hypoxic training and can be extremely dangerous if not executed properly. Freedivers push the limits on human breath holding and set the standard for what the human body is capable of.

To read about the unique experience of freediving from a freediver herself, haga clic aquí

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