Looking back at 2021

From Olympians and community leaders to challenge seekers and water lovers; from adventures around the globe to the daily grind; from mental health, mindset, and empowerment to physical challenge and astounding athletic achievement; from the mentors and the parents, the doers, the daring, and the dreamers, here’s the best advice from the humans of THEMAGIC5 journal.  

“You can’t be what you can’t see.” — Laura Siddall, Professional Triathlete 

Laura Siddall might be quoting children’s right activist Marian Wright Edelman but she’s taken the mantra and made it her own. Specifically, she made it into SidSquad, her mentorship program for young female triathletes. Siddall also practices what she preaches, placing herself as a leader in the triathlon community for women’s issues, speaking from her own experience as seasoned and successful professional. But she doesn’t stop at triathlon. Siddall’s perspective and work reaches beyond swim, bike, run, as she promotes the importance of sport in the life of every woman.  

Laura siddall

“You can have a plan but if things turn out differently that what you expect then you gotta go for it.” — Jeanette Ottesen, Swimmer, 5 x Olympian 

Jeanette Ottesen forged an incredibly successful career in swimming daring to do her own thing along the way. Whether it was her choice of swimsuit or competing in her fifth Olympics as a new mother, Ottesen was never afraid to go for it, even if it was the “wrong” thing to do.   


“If you can overcome all the mental stuff, your body just follows.” — Candra Jordan, Professional Long Board Surfer 

Candra Jordan grew up in the water and started to compete on a professional level quickly, but her confidence proved to be a great challenge. At first, Jordan found confidence in her surfing, but it wasn’t until she was able to translate that into self-confidence that she really started to excel, in and out of the water.   


“Every day is going to be a great day and it’s up to you to make it a great day.” Mary Kate Callahan — Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Paratriathtlete  

Mary Kate Callahan might be a triathlete but her true calling is to empower every single person she meets, especially in the world of para sport. Her attitude to make the most of every second is contagious and, as she demonstrates, anyone can choose to embrace life, regardless of the challenges in front of them.  

Mary Kate

“There’s more to being successful than having others recognise it. It comes from within.” — Zane Grothe, Professional swimmer, USA National Team, World Champion Medalist 

Zane Grothe, a distance freestyler and rocket scientist who celebrates competition with a mohawk, has a unique career, choosing to pursue high performance in swimming and academics. The balance has been difficult with extreme highs and lows but ultimately it made Grothe forge his own path and think about achieving his goals in a different way—and that alternate thinking is exactly what has led to his continued success.    


“People are motivating. If you have good people around you, what else can you achieve?” Lauren Anderson, Adventure Swimmer and Challenge Seeker 

Lauren Anderson says she became a challenge lover partly because she surrounded herself with the right people. Be it mentors, coaches, friends, family, or her partner, Anderson says she was pushed, inspired, and supported to seek out challenge and overcome multiple mental and physical barriers. Having the right people around can help you achieve even your wildest goals and, more importantly, as Anderson says, inspire you to dream bigger.  


“Every win that you’re around is a win for you.” — Matt Grevers, 4x Olympic Gold Medalist, Multiple World Champion, Entrepreneur, Dad  

Take it from the beloved backstroker and freestyler, Grevers’s incredibly successful career gave him a winning mindset in the pool, in business, and as a father and partner. Enough said.  


“I don’t like seeing people thinking they can’t change. It’s one of those things you just have to open yourself up to. — Ryan Reeve, Triathlete, Father 

Reeve transformed his life through sport and his body followed. Reeve has lost over 146lbs, inspired a growing community of people to join him in his journey, and wants everyone to know that change is possible, no matter where you’re starting from.  



I love my Magic 5 googles.
I use them in my Marquis Swim Spa – Aquatic Training Vessel. They work very well with the current flowing past my face!
Thanks for making a great product at a reasonable price.

Jan Delorey-Lytle January 04, 2022

Did the shark tank deal fall through. I don’t see it mentioned in your year in review. We watched the episode and figured you had the right investor with Robert.

Dan Rooney January 04, 2022

I received my Magic5 goggles for a Xmas gift from my husband. Of course I scanned my face. Had to try scanning twice because I am a Baby Boomer and a little challenged with technology.
These goggles are absolutely great! Best I have ever had!
This is a wonderful product and very affordable.
Kathy from Indianapolis

Kathy Willis January 04, 2022

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