THEMAGIC5 en vedette dans Shark Tank

12 commentaires

I have 3 grandchildren ages 6, 9 and 12. They have regular school swimming and private individual lessons.
I have seen google marks on their faces after half hour training sessions.
my question is: do you have specially fitted swim googles for children or is it one size fits all regardless of facial makeup.

Thank you

ARUN DUBE 30 juin 2024

I swim in the pool and open fresh and sea water too.
What are your recommendations?

Miriam Barry 04 juin 2024

I swim in the ocean and pools. are these for both

Annette gunn 07 novembre 2023

Peut-on avoir en français ?
CES lunettes sont elles mixtes? Cordialement

Elysabeth CORMIER VAN DAM 04 septembre 2023

Somewhat retired but formerly extremely competitive Ironman athlete with 5 Kona finishes and several Age group titles, looking forward to getting these!

Claudia Spooner 07 février 2023

I bought 3 pairs and have not looked back. I have a high bridge and find it hard to find a good fit plus as you get older the marks left around the eyes can last hours after a swim. After six months I enjoy the fit every time, have no issues with comfort, leaks or fogging up and no more marks around the eyes. Worth the investment.

Peter Navratil 10 octobre 2022

Just purchased these goggles and I am looking forward to trying them out. I have been out of swimming after “retiring” from competitive swimming 35 years ago! It is amazing how things have not changed, except these goggles, since my departure. I look forward to using the goggles when they arrive as you all are producing the product as I type!

Kenny Fuqua 08 juillet 2022

12:34 A.M. Thanks to my Coach, Marty Hendrick’s SFTL (Swim Fort Lauderdale) email, just finished reading about THEMAGIC goggles. Was impressed after watching the deal made with The Shark Tank’s Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec. Definitely will order two goggles after completing this comment.

Clyde Akbar 14 avril 2022

Love the concept and would like to try. However, I noticed that the people featured using the goggles all appear to be of European ancestry. How well do the measurements work for Asian faces?

Lynne 14 avril 2022

Would like to order a pair of these goggles. I swim in the ocean and a pool. Will they work in both?

Jennifer 14 avril 2022

That was cool. As a customer, I love my goggles and use them whenever I’m at the pool. These goggles are something that has been needed for some time. Thank you guys for bringing them to the masses.

Adam, 22 février 2022

This is super cool!

Harris Helberg 13 février 2022

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If you haven't seen it - in October 2021 we made a $1,000,000 deal with Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec on Season 13 Episode 4 of ABC's Shark Tank.

Regardez la séquence ci-dessous:

Informations internes

Les cofondateurs Rasmus Barfred et Bo Haaber nous livrent leurs impressions:

Nous avons pris l'avion pour Los Angeles et avons été pris en charge et emmenés à SONY Production. Je ne sais pas à quoi nous nous attendions, mais c'était bien plus grand que ce que je pensais.

Shark Tank a pour tradition de commencer chaque présentation par un entretien de 90 secondes avec les requins avant la présentation, ce qui m'a semblé une éternité. La cloche a sonné, indiquant que nous devions commencer, et nous avons présenté notre pitch et notre demande initiale.

Robert Herjavec a éclaté de rire en entendant l'évaluation et c'est ainsi que nous avons commencé notre contre-attaque. J'ai élaboré une cascade de propositions de valeur telles que le produit, le client et la taille du marché, et c'est ainsi que nous avons entamé nos négociations.

Au bout de 5 à 10 minutes, Mark Cuban a fait la première offre, puis tous les requins ont fait leur première offre. Ils étaient convaincus que nous étions de bons hommes d'affaires qui connaissaient parfaitement leur activité.

Try the Goggles for Yourself!

Enjoy a special discount...for our blog visitors only 😉

Because nobody wants to deal with leaky goggles...

Here's 20% Off your first pair of TheMagic5 goggles. 👇

Natation ou technologie ?

La conversation est passée de THEMAGIC5 en tant qu'entreprise de lunettes de natation à THEMAGIC5 en tant qu'entreprise de technologie. Nous avons pensé que l'expérience du groupe de requins serait précieuse pour le développement de notre entreprise, car ils ont une connaissance approfondie de la manière d'introduire la technologie sur d'autres marchés que celui de la natation.

Ils ont fait leur deuxième offre, puis nous ont donné l'occasion de discuter de notre contre-offre. Avant que nous ne partions en discuter, Robert Herjavec s'est levé et a proposé 1 million de dollars pour 6,5 %. Nous avons estimé qu'il s'agissait d'une bonne affaire et nous avons accepté.

55 minutes se sont écoulées.

Par la suite, Mark Cuban a contacté Robert Herjavec et lui a proposé de partager l'affaire à 50/50. Nous avons donc deux nouveaux investisseurs, Robert et Marc, qui détiennent chacun 3,25 % du capital.

Il y a très peu de transactions avec la valeur que THEMAGIC5 a reçue. Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir à partager notre amour pour THEMAGIC5 avec les Sharks. Nous étions également très excités à l'idée de dire à nos familles au Danemark que nous allions passer à la télévision américaine.

Thanks for following along with our exciting news! We're excited for the future of THEMAGIC5 and grateful to our community for getting us to where we are today. Visit Récapitulation de Shark Tank for a full, in-depth account of how our appearance went! SharkTank Recap has in-depth recaps on countless episodes throughout the years.

En savoir plus surnotre histoireet comment nous nous sommes développés au fil des ans depuis notre création.


Rasmus Barfred et Bo Haaber

custom-fit Goggles


Lens: Blue


Mirror: Gold




Lens: Blue




Lens: Clear




Lens: Smoke




Lens: Black


Mirror: Silver




( 12 ) Comments

I have 3 grandchildren ages 6, 9 and 12. They have regular school swimming and private individual lessons.
I have seen google marks on their faces after half hour training sessions.
my question is: do you have specially fitted swim googles for children or is it one size fits all regardless of facial makeup.

Thank you


I swim in the pool and open fresh and sea water too.
What are your recommendations?

Miriam Barry

I swim in the ocean and pools. are these for both

Annette gunn

Peut-on avoir en français ?
CES lunettes sont elles mixtes? Cordialement


Somewhat retired but formerly extremely competitive Ironman athlete with 5 Kona finishes and several Age group titles, looking forward to getting these!

Claudia Spooner

I bought 3 pairs and have not looked back. I have a high bridge and find it hard to find a good fit plus as you get older the marks left around the eyes can last hours after a swim. After six months I enjoy the fit every time, have no issues with comfort, leaks or fogging up and no more marks around the eyes. Worth the investment.

Peter Navratil

Just purchased these goggles and I am looking forward to trying them out. I have been out of swimming after “retiring” from competitive swimming 35 years ago! It is amazing how things have not changed, except these goggles, since my departure. I look forward to using the goggles when they arrive as you all are producing the product as I type!

Kenny Fuqua

12:34 A.M. Thanks to my Coach, Marty Hendrick’s SFTL (Swim Fort Lauderdale) email, just finished reading about THEMAGIC goggles. Was impressed after watching the deal made with The Shark Tank’s Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec. Definitely will order two goggles after completing this comment.

Clyde Akbar

Love the concept and would like to try. However, I noticed that the people featured using the goggles all appear to be of European ancestry. How well do the measurements work for Asian faces?


Would like to order a pair of these goggles. I swim in the ocean and a pool. Will they work in both?


That was cool. As a customer, I love my goggles and use them whenever I’m at the pool. These goggles are something that has been needed for some time. Thank you guys for bringing them to the masses.


This is super cool!

Harris Helberg

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