
Stephanie Clutterbuck



Date of birth

May 18, 1994



Fun fact

En 2023, Steph a terminé 10e au classement général de la natation féminine la plus rapide à Kona avec un temps fulgurant de 52:37 pour les 3,8 km de nage en eau libre, à seulement 3 minutes de la détentrice du record du parcours et gagnante ultime Lucy Charles-Barclay.

“This is my third go at being a professional athlete. I swam competitively until I was 19 and in rowing I was fighting for Olympic selection and in both sports I ended up losing a little bit of myself, losing a lot of joy.”
Stephanie Clutterbuck THEMAGIC5 Athlete Stephanie Clutterbuck THEMAGIC5 Athlete
“Not every day is a great day but I know that I will have put in the work physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually to be exactly who I need to be on that start line and deal with exactly what comes my way.”

“If you don't enjoy it, it's not worth doing it. Yes, triathlon is a job but you have to enjoy it because if you don't it's not gonna last. Make sure you keep the joy.”

Stephanie Clutterbuck THEMAGIC5 Athlete Stephanie Clutterbuck THEMAGIC5 Athlete