We are partnering up with North Carolina Swimming

THEMAGIC5 Partners with North Carolina Swimming On The “.05 TIME” at Swimposium Carolina 2019

On April 27, there’s going to be a way for athletes to win at the biannual Swimposium Carolina in Charlotte—even if they don’t finish first. At the weekend’s Crown Challenge meet, any swimmers who finish with a .05 time are automatically in the running to get a pair of custom-fit goggles from THEMAGIC5.

The General Chair of North Carolina Swimming, Dave Olack, helped develop the partnership with TheMagic5

 “We’re excited to partner with one of the most innovative products in swimming today, and the bonus is that it’s locally-made,” Olack said.

 “The best part of the ‘THEMAGIC5 .05 Time’ concept is that it will make the Carolina Crown Swim Challenge event that much more exciting since every athlete has a chance to be rewarded no matter where he or she finishes,” Olack said. 

The headlining race at Swimposium Carolina is the Crown Challenge, where top 15- to 18-year-old swimmers from both North Carolina and South Carolina are divided into teams at random to compete. The biannual Swimposium, at Mecklenburg County Aquatic Center, includes a full slate of events that weekend for swimmers, parents, coaches, and officials—from guest speakers to educational seminars to swim camp.

The partnership with North Carolina Swimming, which has +10,000 athletes and 70 year-round swim clubs, making it one of the country’s larger LSCs, could be the first of many for the tech startup, which we would love to see this concept to be spread out across all states.

“North Carolina is one of the most competitive LSCs in the country, and since we’re right here in Charlotte, we want to stay active in helping North Carolina Swimming grow” Rasmus Barfred, co-founder of THEMAGIC5 said.

How it works: At the Crown Challenge, any swimmer who happens to finish with an ending time of xx.xx.05 will participate in a draw for a pair of  goggles (one pair will be drawn each day for male and female swimmers).

Get all the details on Swimposium Carolina 2019 here

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