Wie tief ist ein Wasserballbecken?

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If you're new to water polo or simply curious about the sport, one of the questions that might come to mind first is, "How deep is a water polo pool?"

Understanding the dimensions of a water polo pool is essential for players, coaches, and enthusiasts alike.

In this article, we'll answer that question and more as we take a dive into water polo.

Wie tief ist ein Wasserballbecken?

A standard water polo pool typically has a depth of 7 feet, or approximately 2.13 meters.

Diese gleichmäßige Tiefe ist ein wichtiges Merkmal von Wasserballbecken, um die Sicherheit der Spieler zu gewährleisten und eine einheitliche Spielumgebung für Wettkämpfe zu schaffen. Sie ermöglicht den Spielern verschiedene Manöver, einschließlich Wassertreten, und behält dabei eine angenehme Tiefe bei, die das Risiko einer Berührung des Beckenbodens minimiert.

Maße eines Wasserballbeckens:

Neben der Tiefe hat ein Standard-Wasserballbecken auch bestimmte Abmessungen, um den Anforderungen des Wettkampfspiels gerecht zu werden. Diese Abmessungen umfassen normalerweise:

Länge: A regulation water polo pool is 25 meters long, which is equivalent to roughly 82 feet.

Breite: The width of a water polo pool is usually 16.5 meters, or about 54 feet.

Flachwasserbereich: The playing area typically extends for the first 2 meters from the side of the pool. This shallow area is where players can stand and launch themselves into the game.

Torraum: Each end of the pool is marked with a goal area, which is 2 meters deep and 3 meters wide. This is where the goals are positioned, and many of the game's actions take place.

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Warum ist die Beckentiefe beim Wasserball wichtig?

Die gleichbleibende Tiefe eines Wasserballbeckens ist aus mehreren Gründen von entscheidender Bedeutung:


The importance of a standardized depth in water polo pools, typically around 7 feet, primarily revolves around player safety. This depth ensures that players can comfortably tread water, reducing the risk of accidental contact with the pool bottom, which can lead to injuries like cuts, bruises, or more serious impact-related traumas.

Additionally, a consistent depth minimizes the risk of players hitting their heads during rapid underwater movements, a common occurrence in this dynamic sport. This safety measure is crucial, especially in a physically intense game where players are often focused on the ball and may not be aware of their depth.


A uniform pool depth plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of the game across various venues. It ensures that no team gains an unfair advantage due to varying pool conditions. This uniformity is essential for high-level competitions, where even slight variations in depth could affect the game's outcome.

It allows players to prepare and train in conditions that are consistent with those they will encounter in competitive matches, thereby upholding the principles of fairness and equity in the sport.

Leistung des Spielers:

For optimal performance, water polo players require a specific pool depth that allows enough room for free movement under and above the water. A depth of around 7 feet is considered ideal as it provides sufficient space for players to execute key movements such as eggbeater kicking, lunging for the ball, and jumping for shots and passes.

This depth helps in reducing drag resistance against the pool floor, allowing players to move more swiftly and with greater agility. It also enables goalkeepers to push off effectively from the bottom for saves and launches, which are integral parts of their role. The right depth, therefore, directly contributes to the quality and excitement of the game by enabling players to perform at their best.


In summary, a water polo pool is typically 7 feet deep, providing a standardized and safe environment for players. This depth, combined with specific length and width dimensions, creates a uniform playing field for water polo competitions.

Understanding the essential features of a water polo pool is the first step in diving into the exciting world of this dynamic and competitive sport. Whether you're a player, coach, or spectator, this knowledge will enhance your appreciation for the game and its unique requirements.

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