Wie man Ausdauer beim Schwimmen aufbaut | 5 kostenlose Tipps für längeres Schwimmen

8 Kommentare

After several spine/cervical surgeries
Causing partial neck immobilizes, I can’t swim without goggles and a good snorkel. They do wonders if you have disabilities

Tim ODea 03 Oktober, 2024

All the suggestions are positive. As a senior having had bilateral knee replacement, I wonder if you have any observations about the additional weight of the new knees and its effects on swimmers?

Christopher Kenworthy 03 Oktober, 2024

I am 83 with neurological issues. Videos will help

John Townsend 01 Oktober, 2024


In tip two talking about rotating using hips and shoulders . . . during that rotation would be breathing as well. By rotating you don’t have to turn the neck as much. Also make sure you are turning to side and not lifting up all the time. Finally bilateral breathing helps work the neck both directions and not just one.

Rob Daniels 03 Oktober, 2024

What I am finding to work is employing different strokes, from free, to breast, to butterfly…There are also tips for each stroke, and employment therein, such as using your fists to assist strengthens one’s endurance.
Thanks for this platform.

Robert Armao 01 Oktober, 2024

Bonjour. merci pour toutes ces bonnes indications ; qu’en est il de l’entraînement en eau un peu plus froide, entre 15et 20 degré ? Personnellement je met une combinaison mais mon temps de natation se réduit et j’ai parfois en récupération des extra systoles.
Merci de votre retour

Bussolini patricia 03 Oktober, 2024

With freestyle, what is the proper way to turn your head to breath without causing an injury to your neck? I’ve noticed that over the last year my neck has become more and more sore.

Mary Needham 17 Dezember, 2023

it would be nice to see videos for stroke improvement

Robbie Rotin 27 Oktober, 2022

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Here are 6 proven ways um deine Ausdauer zu verbessern:

1. Langsam anfangen, sich hocharbeiten

Developing swimming endurance won’t happen overnight, and you need to work at it consistently. Don’t push yourself too hard, or you could risk burnout or overtraining. 

Beginnen Sie langsam und vorsichtig und achten Sie auf eine gute Form. Wenn Sie eine gute Technik entwickeln, können Sie effizienter schwimmen und sparen mehr Energie, wenn Sie mit höherer Geschwindigkeit schwimmen.

Sobald Sie mit einer guten Form schwimmen können, steigern Sie langsam das Gesamtvolumen Ihrer Trainingseinheiten. Versuchen Sie, bei jedem Training ein paar Meter mehr zu schwimmen. Bleiben Sie konsequent, und legen Sie Wert auf Erholungstage. Eine langsame Steigerung ist der beste Weg, um Ihre Ausdauer zu verbessern und gleichzeitig sicherzustellen, dass Sie nicht auf Hürden stoßen, die Sie zurückwerfen.

2. Verlängern Sie Ihren Zug

Ein längerer, eleganterer Schwimmstil im Wasser hilft Ihnen, mit weniger Anstrengung mehr Strecke zurückzulegen, was Ihre Schwimmausdauer erhöht. Führen Sie dazu einen gleichmäßigen Tritt aus und holen Sie den meisten Schwung aus Ihren Hüften und Schultern. Stellen Sie sich die Bewegung wie eine Schaukelbewegung vor, vor und zurück, und versuchen Sie, sich nicht nur auf die Bewegung Ihrer Arme zu verlassen. Olympian Sun Yang is a great example of what it looks like to swim a long, fluid freestyle.

3. Invest in a Comfortable Pair of Goggles

You'd be surprised by how much of an impact a quality pair of swimming goggles can have on your swimming performance.

A comfortable pair of goggles that fits snugly, doesn't leak, and minimizes distractions will allow you to train harder, and for longer. It's no wonder countless Olympians wear TheMagic5 for their training.

TheMagic5 goggles are custom fit to your individual face and provide the ultimate swimming experience. We're the only company to use a facial scan that you upload to our app to produce a pair of goggles that matches the individual contours of your facial structure.

Our goggles that never leak, never leave goggle marks, and feel so good that you'll forget you're even wearing them.

Browse our collection here

4. Increase the distance, but lower the repetitions.

The longer you can swim without stopping, the more you’ll build your endurance. Instead of doing your usual routine of 6x50 yard swims. Do 3x100 yard swims. You’re swimming the same amount of yardage, but doing it more effectively. Try to work your way up from each milestone. If you’re able to complete 400 yards straight without stopping, attempt a 600 yard swim, and so on. Your body will adapt to what you throw at it, assuming you allow yourself ample time to rest and recover. 

5. Interval Training

On top of longer, uninterrupted swims, you should implement eine Form des Intervalltrainings. Interval training works both the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems (you’ll need to develop both if you want to swim fast for an extended period of time.) Instead of doing 2x100 yard swims on a 3:00 interval, cut down your rest to 2:30. Once you adapt to the new interval, go lower. See just how low you can manage. You’ll become more efficient, as well as powerful in the water in doing so. 

6. Do dryland or cross-training

Incorporating some form of Krafttraining outside of the water will help you develop the necessary muscle groups to power your strokes. Place emphasis on your core, lats, and legs. All play a major role in propulsion within the water. Implement some form of strength training, and your strokes will begin feeling easier, and you’ll be able to swim much more effortlessly.

With consistent training and mindful practice, you’ll find yourself swimming further and faster than ever before. 

Looking for a new swim set to test these skills out Klicken Sie hier for an awesome workout.

( 8 ) Comments

After several spine/cervical surgeries
Causing partial neck immobilizes, I can’t swim without goggles and a good snorkel. They do wonders if you have disabilities

Tim ODea

All the suggestions are positive. As a senior having had bilateral knee replacement, I wonder if you have any observations about the additional weight of the new knees and its effects on swimmers?

Christopher Kenworthy

I am 83 with neurological issues. Videos will help

John Townsend


In tip two talking about rotating using hips and shoulders . . . during that rotation would be breathing as well. By rotating you don’t have to turn the neck as much. Also make sure you are turning to side and not lifting up all the time. Finally bilateral breathing helps work the neck both directions and not just one.

Rob Daniels

What I am finding to work is employing different strokes, from free, to breast, to butterfly…There are also tips for each stroke, and employment therein, such as using your fists to assist strengthens one’s endurance.
Thanks for this platform.

Robert Armao

Bonjour. merci pour toutes ces bonnes indications ; qu’en est il de l’entraînement en eau un peu plus froide, entre 15et 20 degré ? Personnellement je met une combinaison mais mon temps de natation se réduit et j’ai parfois en récupération des extra systoles.
Merci de votre retour

Bussolini patricia

With freestyle, what is the proper way to turn your head to breath without causing an injury to your neck? I’ve noticed that over the last year my neck has become more and more sore.

Mary Needham

it would be nice to see videos for stroke improvement

Robbie Rotin

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