Freistilschwimmen: Die Ultimative Anleitung

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Freistilschwimmen ist eine der beliebtesten Schwimmstile und wird sowohl im Wettkampf als auch im Freizeitschwimmen häufig verwendet. Dieser Artikel bietet eine umfassende Anleitung zum Freistilschwimmen, erklärt die Technik, Vorteile, häufige Fehler und gibt nützliche Tipps für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Lesen Sie weiter, um alles zu erfahren, was Sie über Freistilschwimmen wissen müssen.

Was ist Freistilschwimmen?

Freistilschwimmen, auch als Kraulschwimmen bekannt, ist ein Schwimmstil, bei dem der Schwimmer abwechselnd die Arme über den Kopf führt und dabei im Wasser tritt. Es ist die schnellste Schwimmtechnik und wird häufig in Wettkämpfen wie den Olympischen Spielen und Weltmeisterschaften verwendet.

Vorteile des Freistilschwimmens

  1. Full-body workout: Freestyle swimming engages almost all major muscle groups in the body, especially the shoulders, arms, back, and legs.
  2. Improved endurance: Regular freestyle swimming can significantly enhance cardiovascular endurance.
  3. Calorie burning: Swimming is an effective way to burn calories and improve overall fitness.
  4. Low joint impact: Since the water supports the body, swimming is a low-impact sport, ideal for people with joint issues.

Technik des Freistilschwimmens

The technique of freestyle swimming can be divided into several components:

Arm Stroke

  • Entry and Stretch: The arm should enter the water with a slightly bent elbow and stretch forward.
  • Underwater Pull: Pull the arm down and back in an S-shaped motion.
  • Recovery: Bring the arm back over the water to the starting position.


  • Flutter Kick: The legs should kick alternately up and down, with the movement coming from the hips and the knees slightly bent.
  • Continuous Movement: Keep the kicks continuous and even to maximize propulsion.


  • Head Turn: Turn your head to the side to breathe while the arm stroke is performed on the same side.
  • Rhythm: Breathe every two to three strokes to maintain a steady breathing pattern and ensure adequate oxygen supply.

Häufige Fehler beim Freistilschwimmen

  1. Head Position: Keeping the head too high can increase water resistance and destabilize body position.
  2. Uncoordinated Breathing: Irregular breathing can disrupt the swimming rhythm and lead to fatigue.
  3. Uneven Kick: An unsynchronized kick can reduce propulsion and waste energy.

Tipps für Anfänger

  1. Technique Drills: Regularly perform technique drills to improve your arm stroke, kick, and breathing technique.
  2. Breathing Practice: Practice breathing to the side to develop a smooth and even breathing pattern.
  3. Endurance Training: Incorporate endurance exercises like long-distance swimming into your training to enhance your swimming performance.

Fortgeschrittene Techniken

  1. Turns and Starts: Practice turns and starts to improve your efficiency in competitions.
  2. Intervals: Include interval training in your swim program to increase your speed and endurance.
  3. Video Analysis: Analyze your technique with video recordings to identify and correct errors.


Freestyle swimming is not only an excellent way to stay fit but also an exciting sport with much to offer. With the right technique and regular practice, you can improve your swimming skills and enjoy the numerous benefits of freestyle swimming. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced swimmer, there is always room for improvement and new challenges in freestyle swimming.

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