6 Proven Drills to Improve Your Freestyle Stroke

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Freestyle is a fundamental swimming stroke, but mastering its technique requires consistent practice and focused drills. By incorporating specific drills into your training routine, you can enhance your efficiency, speed, and overall performance.

Below are seven proven freestyle drills that can help you refine your technique and make every stroke count.

1. Catch-Up Drill

The catch-up drill focuses on improving body position and stroke timing. To perform this drill, start by swimming freestyle but only move one arm at a time. Let one arm stay extended in front until the other catches up. This drill emphasizes a longer reach and better rotation, helping you maintain a streamlined position in the water.

2. Fingertip Drag Drill

The fingertip drag drill encourages a high elbow during the recovery phase of your freestyle stroke. As you swim, lightly drag your fingertips across the water’s surface during each arm recovery. This movement helps you maintain a proper arm position, which leads to a more efficient and powerful stroke.

3. 6-3-6 Drill

The 6-3-6 drill is ideal for improving body rotation and balance in the water. Start by kicking on your side for six kicks, then take three freestyle strokes to switch sides, and repeat. Focus on keeping your core engaged and rotating from your hips. This drill helps you develop a smooth and controlled body rotation, which is crucial for an efficient freestyle stroke.

4. One-Arm Freestyle Drill

Practicing with one arm at a time can help you identify any imbalances in your stroke. Swim freestyle using just one arm while keeping the other arm at your side. Alternate arms every 25 meters or after a few strokes. This drill helps improve your breathing technique and ensures that both sides of your body are equally strong and efficient.

5. Kicking with a Board

A strong kick is essential for a powerful freestyle stroke. Grab a kickboard and practice kicking drills with your head down and arms resting on the board. Focus on generating power from your hips and maintaining a steady, fast kick. This drill can help you build leg strength and improve your overall body position in the water.

6. Using the Right Gear for Training

Having the right equipment can enhance the effectiveness of your drills. For example, using custom-fit goggles can keep you comfortable and focused during your sessions. Click here: to find top-quality gear that complements your training routine. Properly fitting gear can make a big difference in helping you focus on technique rather than adjusting your equipment.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating these drills into your training routine can help you refine your freestyle stroke, making you a more efficient and confident swimmer. By focusing on proper body rotation, improving your catch, and using the right gear, you can achieve smoother and faster strokes in the water. Use these seven drills as a part of your regular training, and watch your freestyle technique reach new levels.

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